Saturday, September 4, 2010

Labor Day Weekend is for Laboring!

As we were walking out of class yesterday my professor made sure to remind us that we should use Labor Day weekend for what it was intended to be used for, and that is laboring on our classes. Of course for most of us this is the first weekend where real life will intervene and attempt to sabotage our best laid plans. I know personally I have a wedding to attend today, a barbecue to enjoy tomorrow and two more hours of driving Monday. Of course I have to fit in all the studying somewhere in there and my professors sure did not make it easy for us. I know most people like to point and laugh at the 1Ls as the scurry around exclaiming the sky is falling every time it comes to doing homework. The truth of the matter is, those who love to point and laugh were at one point the exact same 1Ls running around wondering how they will ever get all this work done.

Of course that should make most of us rest easy to know that at some point in the future we should be able to relax just enough so that we can realize the work load is tedious but it will end. I just hope that time comes before we go crazy, before we decide to quit, or before we are sitting for the bar exam. Hey I can dream can't I?

So by now I have been in law school for two weeks and us 1Ls have a feel for what the work is like, although most of us probably are not experts at briefing cases and we are probably not experts at the Socratic method yet but most of us probably go to class now not completely stressing being called on and hopefully we have all had the chance to be completely wrong at least once so we know that it is just a fact of life. Of course along with all of that we have hopefully figured out some of the tricks of the trade and we feel just a little bit more prepared on a day to day basis.

I know for me this week has been an eye opener. This is the week where you start to see those who are not cut out for this show themselves. As the week progressed, more and more people showed up to class unprepared and more and more people were called on and answered with I don't knows. Additionally, as the week grew long in the days more and more people skipped class, I am not sure if it was for lack of preparedness or lack of motivation but the seats were empty. Hopefully for them it was an eye opener as well, hopefully they will get on top of their work and make it a point to show up to class. Of course if they don't I can't say that I will mind too much because it means those are the people that will be in the bottom when class ranks come out, and that can only help my chances of landing the job I want.

For now though, I just hope that tonight the wedding does not entice me to drink too much so I am ready to tackle Property, Crim Law, Contracts, and Torts bright and early tomorrow before relaxing by the pool with a beer in hand waiting for a delicious burger from the grill.

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