Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Where did all the time go?

So it has obviously been a while since I have written anything here. I really do not have much of a good excuse except that by the time I had any free time left to write I was so worn out of typing and and editing that I could not bring myself to create a post. Anyway, the last few weeks have been a crazy free fall into the world of law school. I have written more papers than I care to shake a stick at, I have typed more words then I ever did in all four years of my undergrad combine and I have felt completely inadequate more times than I have in the rest of my life. Law school is tough and anyone who tells you it is not is lying to you and themselves.

With that said it does not mean that my life is law school. To the contrary I still have plenty of free time and I manage to get all of my homework done and I am prepared for most of my classes (some of them no one can possibly be prepared for... Property I'm looking at you!) So yea, I have been on two dates since classes have started, granted one of them was for my one year anniversary but the other was just something we wanted to do. I addition, up until this week I have been able to keep up with the yard chores and still find time to watch most of my shows (now there are like 20 hours a week of them... The networks need to stop releasing high quality shows!) Needless to say my life is not all law school all the time but when it is law school time it is serious time.

So why then has my last few weeks been so tumultuous? One. Simple. Word. Memorandum. This is an incredibly tough topic to define, in fact it is such a hard concept to understand that we have spent every class since the start of the school year discussing this beast. Still with all of that preparation I never imagined it would take me over a week to write eight pages of quality legal argumentation. Let alone 3 hours just to write 2 paragraphs. None the less my closed memo is due this Friday and I sort of feel like I have a grasp on what I am doing. Of course that does not mean it is done but after tonight I feel that it will be. All that is left to do would be edit it and most likely rework the whole concept from the ground up for the fourth or fifth time. I think so far the most complicated thing about this memo is the fact that we have been told that legal writing is nothing like what we have done before but we have not exactly been told how it differs per se. Also we have been told that it is common to trip and fall throughout the writing process our first year in law school. My problem (and I am sure I am not alone here) is that I prefer not to trip and fall off a cliff as it seems I am doing with this memo.

Anyway, I could be doing something way more productive here in the library than pounding out a blog post so I will leave you with this, being a law student is not easy but if you are reading this blog and considering whether or not it is something you want to try I would highly encourage it. I have learned so much in just two months than I could have ever hoped to learn in four [and a half] years of undergraduate work. It is tough but it is also so very rewarding to look back and see what all I have accomplished so far.

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