Wednesday, August 11, 2010

As the Minutes Tick Away...

There are exactly 6875 minutes until I begin my journey towards my JD. I have finally finished all of my homework. All of the reading is done and all of the assignments filled out. I have also finished mentally preparing for one of the toughest challenges I will undoubtedly face thus far in my life. I have finally received my class assignments, I know what books I will need, I know when my tests will be and I know which professors I will have. I know which classrooms I will spend most of my time in and I know where I will spend all the rest of my time studying at home. Needless to say, the only thing I have yet to do is lay out my outfit, which is probably going a little far!

I know most of you will look at this and chuckle. I hope that in a years time I will be able to look back on this post and laugh at how worked up I was for this process to start. In all honesty though I would have it no other way. As I have said before, I have been waiting for this for a VERY long time and this much excitement on my part is expected.

Of course not everything I do is all serious business. It is also very important to schedule some time in my weeks to just hang out and enjoy the beautiful days in the sun. That leads me to my very first tip that I have come across since I have been preparing for school to start.

Read as much as you can on the topic and by that I don't mean read the textbooks out there. In fact I think I learned the most about what to expect from blogs I happened across on the web. I did read a few books that discussed law school, and I think for the most part I am a better person for them but in all honesty getting the information from the students as well as those who have taught the law for years is important. Each side has their own observations and their own tips and tricks. Thus, most everyone will tell you that you should read this summer but their advice will always vary on what you should read and in my opinion it could not hurt to get the advice of as many people as you possibly can.

Without that I would like to direct your attention to the right column of this blog where you will find a list of blogs that I read. All of these blogs I subscribe to and read daily. They all have great information and some of them deal exclusively with law school even. Hopefully, for those of you reading this you will take to heart my suggestion and check out of a few of these blogs and even better maybe you will even subscribe to a few of them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Study hard, but don't go too crazy. First year is a lot of work, but it's actually a lot of fun too.

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